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Re: Rover 200 - should it be an MG?

To: "Paul Hunt" <>, "The Richards" <>
Subject: Re: Rover 200 - should it be an MG?
From: Phil Raby <>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 97 20:56:41 -0000
On 14/12/97 3:02 pm Paul Hunt said

>There may no longer be a separate MG factory (or more accurately, assembly 
>but there is very definitely marque and model loyalty within the Rover 
>Cynicism, or rose-tinted spectacles, may well hamper the viewer from 
>worthy products. 

Sorry to slag off British products, but I've just driven a Rover 800. It 
was very disappointing, dynamically. The handling, ride and general feel 
were all inferior to a BMW 5-series, and the car felt, quite frankly old 
- which it is. In fact, (not sure I should say this) it felt like some 
American saloons I've driven - wallowy and crude. Shame really, roll on 
its replacement.

Having said this, other Rover products are very good - the 200, MGF (of 
course), Discovery and Range Rover (if you're into 4WD, which I'm not) 
and - by all accounts, although I haven't driven it - the Freelander.

Philip Raby
Editor, MG World
PO Box 163, Bicester OX6 3YS, UK
Tel: 01869 340061 Fax: 01869 340063 Mobile 0467 767361

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