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Re: MG trip to Scot.(Going ot to single malt scotch)

To: MG Enthusiasts <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: MG trip to Scot.(Going ot to single malt scotch)
From: "Michael F. Adamson" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 21:06:21 -0500
Mike Lishego wrote:
>I had some stuff from Costa Rica that my comrades described as "The Scot=
of Costa =

Rica."  It had a long Spanish name that vaguely translated to "Hot Water.=
" =

It was =

clear, and smelled like rubbing alcohol.  They thought that it was about
150 proof or =

more.  Turns out, it wasn't sold in the states for some reason.  After on=
shot, I =

figured out what that reason was..>


What you had was aguardiente.  That's the generic name for "moonshine"
distilled from sugar cane.  It comes in various purities and up to 190
proof.  A local description for the sensation you get from taking a swig:=

it's like swallowing a cat backwards that has its claws out!

In Panama it is sold in bottles displaying a huge skull an cross bones wi=
the warning not to smoke while you are drinking it.  Not only do you run
the risk of dying from improper distillation but there is the distinct
possibility of going up in flames!

Great drink with Squirt!



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