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Re: Lady Di !!

To: Glen Eldridge <>
Subject: Re: Lady Di !!
From: Mike Carter <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 00:49:35 -800 (PST)
You are one sick bitch.

On Wed, 10 Dec 1997, Glen Eldridge wrote:

> -Date:          Wed, 10 Dec 1997 13:50:08 EST
> Subject:       (Fwd) Chistes Crueles de Lady Di !!
> Priority:      normal
> Les mando unos chistes bastante crueles de Lady Di que me acaban de
> llegar !
> What's the title of the new Princess Diana movie they are making?
> One Wedding and a Funeral.
> Did you hear that Princess Diana was suffering from PMS? 
> Pulverized Mercedes Syndrome.
> What's the difference between Lady Di and the Eastern Germans?
> The Eastern Germans survived the wall. 
> What happens when you french kiss a fairy tale Princess? 
> The frog turns into a wall and croaks.
> What's the difference between a Mercedes and Princess Diana? 
> A Mercedes will easily reach 40.
> What did the coroner say when the body bags arrived? 
> "zippety dodi, zippety Di..."
> What do you give the princess who has everything? 
> A seatbelt and an airbag.
> What's the difference betwee Elton John and Princess Diana? 
> One's composing, the other is decomposing.
> Did you hear that Princess Di was on the radio a couple of weeks ago?
> Yep, and on the dashboard, and on the window, and on the hood.... 
> What does Princess Di turn into at midnight? 
> The wall
> How did they know that the driver had dandruff?
> They found his head and shoulders in the glove box. 
> What does a bee have in common with a Mercedes? 
> They both make Royal Jelly.
> What did the Queen Mother give Fergie for her birthday? 
> A Black Mercedes and a trip to Paris.
> What's the difference between Mother Theresa and Diana? 
> 5 days.
> Did you see the wall Di drove into? 
> Neither did she.
> Did you hear they are going to make a movie about her?
> It's going to be called "Di hard" or "Live and Let Di" 
> What does DIANA stand for?
> Died In A Nasty Accident.
> What does DODI stand for?
> Died Opposite DI.
> Dodi said Di and she did.
> Why did Elton john take his boyfriend to the funeral?
> So at least one old queen would be seen to cry in public. 
> What was the last thing to go through Diana's mind?   The dashboard.
> What was Princess Diana's last words to the paparazzi?
> "Leave me alone, I'm a bloody princess. You photographers drive me up
> the wall."
> **********************************************************************
> * Stephane Abran                *
> * Analyst, Systems                       phone: (514) 398-5023       *
> * Information System Resources           fax  : (514) 398-4758       *
> * McGill University                                                  *
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