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Re: The Ring is Online! was :Re: Web rings - MGs needed!

Subject: Re: The Ring is Online! was :Re: Web rings - MGs needed!
From: Teacher122 <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 19:40:39 EST
In a message dated 97-12-09 13:05:50 EST,

<< Ben,
 Looks good I can't wait for others to join up.
 The only problem I have is the picture. The Midget should be in front!!!! 
 I would join But I spend all my WEB time keeping the dept pages upto date 
 and I don't think a link to the Neuropsychiatry section at U Penn would 
 contribute to an MG webring.
 Larry Macy
 78 Midget

     Couldn't disagree with you more.  From all of the postings I've read
(mine included) any kind of psychiatry analysis, service or education could
prove vital to listers.  Do you give club discounts?

Tom Green
To be normal is abnormal; to be abnormal is normal.

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