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Re: Harbor Freight and Paint

Subject: Re: Harbor Freight and Paint
From: Paul Hunt <>
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 14:53:28 +0000
> Yes, the Morgan folks painted their cars this way for years.  It must
> have been a terrrible cultural shock at the plant when someone decreed
> that a sprayer should be used.  BTW, saw a propane-powered Mog cruising
> in Guilford, CT this afternoon.
> Bob

Some time ago there was a TV series where a Management Consultant (do they 
deserve capitals?  Or captital punishment?) went to various companies and 
one was Morgan, famous for their six-year waiting list.  He was looking 
round the parts shed with an old-timer in a brown coat and asked him "How do 
you know when to order more parts?".  The old chap replied, "Well, I look at 
the shelves and if I think something is getting low I order some more."  MC 
said "Ah, a visual stock control system".  The old chap looked as if he had 
never heard of such a thing, but I bet he knew exactly what he had got, 
where it was, and never ran out of anything.  Mind you, I bet he was the 
only one who did.


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