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TC Accessories

To: "MgList CARS" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: TC Accessories
From: bradleys <>
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 97 21:12:38 -0800
Hello MG Listers, Compadres, Friends,

I've been looking for three accessories for my TC for quite a while with 
no success so far.
1. A set of 8" headlight stone guards for 8" headlights. ( I've found 
plenty of 7" but so      far no 8" )

2. Rock guard for the radiator slats.  I remember seeing them in the 
fifties, when I was a kid, but I haven't seen any for a long time.
3. A "Bonono" type quick release radiator cap. (The type I want has a 
handle and a flip top cap.  I've been told that this style is called a 

Any leads or suggestions for sources are appreciated.

Gracias amigos,

Neil "I love the smell of hypoid in the morning" Bradley 

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