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Help! ignition/carb

To: MG mailing list <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Help! ignition/carb
From: Blake Wylie <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 16:19:13 -0600 (CST)
Hello again everyone,

Well, I think that we have finally gotten the SUs tuned pretty close on the
B.  It sounded better than it ever has sitting there in the garage.  We got
to the point where we decided we would take it out on the road.  I got it
out on the road, and it sounded great (better than I had heard it), but all
of a sudden it started chugging down, and it wasn't really getting much
power at all.  It would sputter and backfire, and barely go.  We sputtered
on back to the house, where we started looking more at the ignition system
(I had previously replaced all of the sparkplugs, wires, distributor cap,
and rotor).  The coil seemed to be a DPO special off of some Japanese car,
after we got to looking at it.  So, we went to our local AutoZone, and they
had one that would match with an MGB.  We put it on, and it sounded even
better as it sat there and idled.  Got it back on the road, and it was doing
the same thing. seems that it runs great while letting it idle, but when you put a
load to it, something breaks down.  While putting the timing light to it, we
went down all 4 of the wires just to see how they were firing.  All were
firing really steady except number 2.  It would miss every few strobes.  We
found this kind of strange, and it continued to do so even after we replaced
the coil, and you can still hear that small miss in it when it is idling.

What can be causing this trouble?  It just doesn't have power when you
actually get it going.  Any and all help on this will be greatly
appreciated.  I really need to get this thing going as most of our other
vehicles seem to be in need of repair.  Imagine MGB being the
backup vehicle.  :\  

Thanks in advance.  :)

Blake Wylie
1970 MGB (sounds great idling, and that's about all)

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