It is not a major job. But it can be tricky. You will have to use a stubby
screwdriver to ge the six screws out. THen clean the tank surface real
well. If you use a cork gasket, you will have to use a good sealant, as
these have a tendancy to leak. I use a product called SEAL-ALL. It comes in
a yellow and red 3/4 oz. tube.It is make by ALLEN PRODUCTS CORP. in
Detroit,MI. It works pretty good. Moss is now offering a neoprene gasket
for this sender. Ihavent used one yet. There is a neoprene tank sender
gasket that is used on some Alfas that works quite well. Other than that,
you should have no trouble.
Skip.............At 06:45 AM 11/21/97 -0500, wrote:
>Has anyone had any experience in changing fuel tank sensor in TD. Is this a
>major job? would like to hear from experts.----Richard