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Re: help me select gear ratios

Subject: Re: help me select gear ratios
From: Jim Stuart <>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 22:05:52 -0500

If this is any help, I run a T-5 with ratios 2.95, 1.94, 1.34, 1, .63.
My tire diameter is 24" +/-, horsepower approx 200, rear 3.00.  At 70 in
5th, rpm 2000; at 60 in 4th, rpm 2000.

My feeling after 12,000 miles- need to change the rear to approx 3.5.
Off the line, so to speak , is OK, but not sparkling. At 70, not enough
instant pick up. At 60, good acceleration, could be better.  Really
pulls in 2nd.

If  you interperlate between the 2 tire sizes, I think you will confirm
your 3.87 rear ratio with T-5 transmission ratios as a good choice.

Jim Stuart

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