Bill Eastman wrote:
> OK, Mr. Philip Raby
> I will have you know that you have caused a lot of anxiety for one person
> (me), a lot of anger in one household (mine) and a lot of miles on one
> Japanese appliance. I cannot, for the life of me, find a copy of MG World
> on a news stand. I have tried all of the local haunts (Barnes and Noble,
> Borders, Schinders)- often multiple locations of each for the last few
> months, wandering endlessly between them for hours on end, all to no
> avail. Where are you hiding these magazines or is this all some hideous MG
> list plot fabricated by a few especially spiteful members of this list to
> cause grief to others for you own entertainment? If it is you should all
> be ashamed of yourselves. You people are sick! Sick I say!
> I feel like I am on a Quest for the Holy Grail of automotive journals and
> that those around me are trying to protect me from the perils of that
> quest. Well I, for one, could stand "just a little peril."
> So anyway, Philip, if you could just give me a little hint where they hide
> these. I would be a happy person.
> Regards,
> Bill Eastman
> Who wants to read MG World but is afraid of commitment (or being commited)
Yes Philip please let us know where it can be purchaed.
Ive been Checking Borders in New York City weekly and cant find a copy
although they do carry other MG mags.