1,2,and4 do have low compression, but nothing drastic. The fact that
they go to 120/125 with oil on them probably indicates that your
guage reads 5-10 psi low. Figures this low are not a problem for
your normal daily driver.
#3 has a problem with valves, indicated by the fact that oiling (the
rings, in effect) does nothing. Check valve adjustment, rocker,
etc. Hand crank and ascertain that everything moves properly.
If so, my guess is that you have a leaded fuel head and have burnt a
hole in the valve on #3. The only way to check this is by removing
the head! Been there, done that, and it was #3 each time!
Solution is to have the head rebuilt to unleaded specs or order one
(this may be cheaper). BE CAREFUL!!! I bought an "unleaded head
from SPECIALTY in RI and it wasn't - went within a year, had to have
IT rebuilt by someone I trusted. You have never seen softer valves
than those which came out of my Specialty "UNLEADED" head!
Bill "once burnt" Meyer