>Just wondering...are the dashlights on MGs (er, rather, on my '73 'B)
>supposed to be really dim? I know there is an adjustment, but in the case
>of my car this knob makes my dash lights go from really-dim to extra-dim
>to off. If this is abnormal, could it be the fault of the adjustment
>knob? Is there more than one light back there that might be burnt out?
>...or is this something else altogether? It'd be sortof nice to not have
>to wait for my night vision to return every time meet another car on the
>road before I can read my spedometer or to not have to flick a cigarette
>lighter in front of my temp gauge to check the engine temp.
>neil doane
another indication of "the Prince's" sense of humor. Please don't
respond with a bunch of Lucas jokes. The adjustment switch for the
lights is simply a rheostat (i think). A simple test would be to remove
the adjustment switch from the circuit and see if the light intensity
improves. Could also be corrision on the wires at the terminals. Check
connections, if look tarnished or corroded you may want to clean them. I
use baking soda and vinegar (does anyone else have a higher tech
solution.) Then coat with dielectric grease for protection. Hopes this
Mike Donoho
57 MGA 1500
Fergus Falls MN