I really appreciate the effort put into the web page. Thanks. But I
do have one comment: The page is done in a very artistic manner, but would
you please consider changing the color scheme so that it would be easily
printable? Thanks again.
Bud Krueger
Rick Brown wrote:
> Announcing the opening of the web page for the MG Council of North
> America. The purpose of the site is to list MG Events throughout North
> America to prevent the scheduling of events by different clubs in the
> same geographical area on the same day. The current list is by no means
> complete and depends on the input of all MG enthusiastes. Please check
> the list and if you find an event is not listed please email the
> undersigned.
> <http://home.ptd.net/~mgrick/council.htm>
> My apologies if you receive more than one copy of this email, several
> lists are used to compile it.
> Saftey fast!
> Rick Brown