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To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Fuel?
From: "J. Neil Doane" <>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 14:17:57 -0600 (CST)
Just curious, looking through some aftermarket manuals of my '73 MGB I see
that "The Complete and Official MG" (I think that's the title) by Robert
Bently recommends 91+ octane fuel, but discourages the use of reduced lead
or unleaded fuels (warning that they could, in fact, cause so much damage
as to render the engine inoperable.)  

How accurate is this?  I'm not sure about the age of the manual and am
wondering if 90+ octane unleaded fuels of today would damage the car in
such a way (and most importantly, if the 92 octane unleaded fuel I filled
up with yesterday is going be damaging. :P )


neil doane  

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