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Stripped Thread

To: MG <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Stripped Thread
From: Adrian Jones <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 18:08:11 -0500
Dear All,

The thread was stripped at the opening but felt OK further into the hole =
I just used a longer bolt.  Arr, Arr.

The Loctite stuff wasn't worth a wank - it crumbled up - and that was eve=
before torquing the bolt down.  Maybe the area wasn't cleaned enough.

Thanks to all who responded - I'll check out the "heel cawl" kit next tim=
I'm in the big city.  Thomas had a brain wave of just using a bolt throug=
the block and pan and securing with a nut.  Unfortunately, just where the=

hole exits inside the block there was a big bolt (holding the main bearin=
in place) so I couldn't drop a bolt down the hole.  Good idea, though. =

Also, there was no chance of "chasing" the thread or putting in a "heel
cawl" as there was only about 1" clearance between the pan and

Also, good news is it doesn't seem to be leaking oil.  I say "seem" becau=
I don't feel like jacking the car up and getting underneath again.  Maybe=

in the year 2005.

Also, the oil pressure seems to have steadied to almost what it should be=

(40 to 60 when running)  I drove round for about 20 miles but the engine
never got past  the half way mark, ie never warmed to what it was during
summer.  But I really think just changing the big end bearing has helped.=

Yessir!!!!!! =

Of course, I'm mucho pleased that Mr. Con Rod decided to stay put and not=

poke his head out of the engine.

Thanks again everyone,        Adrian

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