I just went through this same problem this summer. Car would not idle
and I replaced the dist cap, plug wires, points, condensor, and plugs.
It still would not idle, ran great but died at every stop. I took it to
a real MG mech and he said that the carbs were worn out and needed to be
rebuilt. I sent the carbs to a fellow up in Bath Maine and for $110 US
he rebuilt them to include rebushing and new throttle shafts (he did a
great job and I would recommend him). Now it would not even start let
alone idle. Several of my club buddies and I worked several nights
trying to get it started finally got it running real ragged and it died
about 100 yards from the house. Anyway to cut this short the carbs had
been so bad that it had drown the spark plug, new set of plugs and a
little fiddling with the carbs and it ran just great, until one night
one the way to visit my son at military school it died and would not
run. Checked all the normal things such as the fuel pump etc.. once it
cooled off it started and got us home. It was a bad coil. So check the
carbs, plugs etc.. I have not read all the post on idle so I may have
repeated some if so sorry about that.