> Scott, I have the same cam,pistons,carb and coil in my 79 B as you and I
> have had problems with getting a smooth idle at anything less than 1200
> rpm. Only recently I have seen some improvement by dropping the idle low
> enough (800) to get the carb to move from the main jet to the idle jet and
> then adjusting with the colortune. It is not perfect yet but getting there
> and the idle is still at 900rpm plus no more overrun.
> Bob Stafford
> Somersworth, NH
You may have something there. I didn't notice much colour variation
with the colourtune today, but I may have had the idle high enough
that it stayed on the main jet the whole time.
I did fix the running-on, at least for now. I can't swear as to
what fixed it, but today I replaced the Bosch Platinum plugs with
NGK BP6ES, gapped them to .025 to be on the conservative side,
lowered the idle to 1000, checked the timing, but it was perfect,
retorqued the head, changed the oil, adjusted the valves, and blocked
off the vent in the oil cap. Also fiddled with the mixture, but I
didn't count turns, so I don't know if I ended up richening the
mixture or leaning it. Didn't change it much either way.
We're started off on a house-hunting trip to Norfolk (900 miles
one-way) tomorrow. I'll let you know how it turns out. We should be
back on Saturday the 18th.