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NY State Inspection for Adam's 72 B/Litchfield, CT tomorrow

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: NY State Inspection for Adam's 72 B/Litchfield, CT tomorrow
From: (David Deutsch)
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 1997 09:52:15 -0500 (CDT)
Dropped Adam's B off this morning and checked on it about an hour and a 
half later. They were able to retard the timing and tweak the carb 
(Weber) so as to get it thru the emmissions. Rear axle seal shot and 
the mechanic said he was having trouble locating one. I opened the boot 
on my 75 B and took one out and handed it to him. You should have seen 
the look on his face. Should have it back shortly.

Tomorrow Eileen and I are headed to CT, for the Jaguar club's "Purr 
Inn" on the grounds of the Litchfield Inn. Hope to see some of you 
Safety Fast, David Deutsch 

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  • NY State Inspection for Adam's 72 B/Litchfield, CT tomorrow, David Deutsch <=