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Re: More hydraulics woes

Subject: Re: More hydraulics woes
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 15:28:08 EDT
Hi Jeff,
 It's not likely that you ruined the MC, though it sounds like it's the
MC that is at fault.
Why don't you take it apart again and check that all the little pieces
are there and that they are pointed in the proper direction.  It's
possible that a minor mistake was made that causes this frustration.
  who thinks one rear brake cyl may be leaking again, six months after
sleeving and rebuilding.

On Wed, 1 Oct 1997 12:38:54 -0400 "Editors, Molecular Vision"
<> writes:
>I thought by now that I'd be writing to thank all those listers who've
>helped me through a master cylinder rebuild on my '65 Sprite. I do 
>you, but unfortunately, I'm still having problems with the hydraulics 
>and I
>seek your advice yet again.
>As you've read in my previous post, after reassembling and bleeding 
>the brake and clutch lines, I found that the clutch was barely 
>the gears (i.e., within an inch of the clutch pedal coming back from 
>firewall, the engine gears were fully loaded with engine power).
>Everyone said that probably I had not bled the clutch line well, which 
>sense as I had had to install a new one. So, last night, I bled the 
>line and all 4 brakes (as long as I was at it) A LOT. I used the
>time-honored method of having a helper at the pedal and opening and 
>the valve at each push of the pedal. We went through 2.5 quarts of 
>fluid to
>make sure there was no air.
>While up on jackstands, the clutch action was OK, but not quite as 
>good as
>in the past. The brakes were firm. I lowered the car, rolled it out of 
>garage, and lost all clutch action and the brakes were mushy. If I 
>pump the
>clutch I can just get the car to go into gear (with the engine 
>running). It
>of course goes into gear easily with the engine off.
>Maybe this Sprite just likes heights, though I suspect that what 
>is that I over-honed the cylinders (though I barely honed them) and 
>just sloshing fluid back and forth. The only drawback to this theory 
>that the pedal actions were pretty good when the car was up on stands. 
>the mc was solely to blame, what difference could being back on the 
>Do you have any thoughts on this? I am on the verge of just leaving it 
>a mechnic and letting him solve the problem, but it really bothers me
>because 1) I'm cheap and 2) I should be able to fix this!!!
>Assuming I've ruined the mc, does anyone have a used one they'd like 
>sell me? The current one is a poor candiate for re-sleeving as the 
>line inlet screw hole is just about stripped beyond use (though it's 
>leaking fluid).
>Thanks again,
>Jeff Boatright             __o_\__         '65 Sprite Mk III

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