Try starting it in neutral with your foot off the clutch. It
be the clutch hanging up a little. If you don't have the test equipment
take the starter in to a parts store, most will test it for free.
On Sat, 27 Sep 1997, Peter Schauss wrote:
> My '80 'B turns over just a bit slowly when I first start it in the
> morning.
> The battery was new about a month ago, but just for a
> sanity test, I swapped it with another identical one which has been
> starting my Healey all summer. Result, no appreciable difference.
> The connector for the positive terminal looked a bit eroded on the
> bottom, so I replaced it with one of the ones which you clamp on
> to the cable with a metal plate held between two screws. Still no change.
> As far as I can tell, the alternator is charging. The volt meter
> (installed where the clock should have been)
> shows just shy of 14 volts when the car is running, and the ignition
> light goes out immediately after I start the car. Just as a sanity test,
> I have the car on the battery charger right now and, assuming that the
> symptoms still exist in the morning, I believe that I can safely eliminate
> the alternator as the weak link.
> The ground strap across the gearbox mounts is in place and the battery
> ground cable is new.
> As far as I can see, this leaves the cable from the battery to the solenoid
> and the starter itself. Assuming that the battery cable is good, is it
> possible to get these symptoms from worn starter?
> Peter Schauss
> 1963 BJ7
> 1980 MGB