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Re: (off) Brits steal'n our cars!

To:, Kai Radicke <>
Subject: Re: (off) Brits steal'n our cars!
From: Philip <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 97 11:17:02 +0100
On 25/9/97 8:41 am said

>That's allright because with Kai's recently demonstrated economic 
>insights, applied to the 
>MGPO and considering the enormous influence he has on the economy as a 
>whole, the dollar 
>will soon be worth less than an Italian lire. Actually, the dollar started 
>dropping already this 
>morning. The $100,000 will be just enough to give the car a nice shine 
>before you send it off to 
>its new owner. 

Excellent. With the US economy in tatters, the British, with the might of 
Europe behind it, will come in and take control of its colony, and force 
you all to drive on the left! Kai would be hailed a hero and put in 
charge of Rover :-)

Philip Raby
Editor, MG World
PO Box 163, Bicester OX6 3YS, UK
Tel: 01869 340061 Fax: 01869 340063 Mobile 0467 767361

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