>> > "If you're stupid, you'll have to pay for it"
>Speaking of stupid, has anyone thought about putting a Chevy 350 into a
> have
1. You are stupid. ;-) (only if you did that)
2. Some moron already has put a 454 into an MGB.
I kid you not, somewhere on this vast Internet this is a page and picture
of an MGB with a 454 in it...I found it a while ago, and I am sorry I
didn't save it :-(
I don't mind putting 300CI+ into an a "spare/junked/new" MGB shell, but
don't blame me when the car only drives straight.
Kai Radicke -- mowogmg@pil.net, 1966 MGB @ http://www.pil.net/~mowogmg
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IRC: irc.voicenet.com, #inet-access (my nick: ActiveX or KMR)