In a message dated 97-09-23 01:04:44 EDT, writes:
Same person who made it on the trip! ME! Only I light the fire under it
now, too! Say... how's about we call for a camping trip to Lake Whitney?
Mid-October?? Thats 100 miles for you and 260 for me. Maybe we can find
another hardy LBC soul or two to join in. We'll need at least one trailer...
We can call it the GAS, Fall 1997: Gathering of the Afflicted Souls. Or we
could do a several day run to Big Bend, too. Lotsa' distance, but not much
to drive in the park, though... Pretty country.. a week should do it...
There are other places, but I spent a week in Oklahoma one day on 'the
trip' because of wire wheels. Louisiana is too populated. New Mexico would
be nice, but takes too long... Big Bend is only a 14-16 hour run. No step
for a stepper!! ;-)
How about it?? Any other interest out there...???
Carol (drinking Saturday's coffee...)
Do I have to bring an MG?