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Re: clunk, clank, clink and other assorted sounds

To: doug russell <>
Subject: Re: clunk, clank, clink and other assorted sounds
From: Ulix Goettsch <>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 15:48:38 -0700 (PDT)
> 3. Clink - There is this clinking sound that seems to come from under the 
> (where the engine is).  It sounds like two pieces of metal tapping each other 
> when going over bumps - kind of a clinking sound.  I'm clueless as to the 
> cause and there does not seem to be any loose bits under there!  Could this 
> a shock or some loose bit I'm not considering??

I had a clink like this which turned out to be the radiator fan hitting
some part of the radiator.  The fan is on the engine, the radiator mounted
to the body, so when the engine moved a little (when going over a bump),
the fan hit the radiator - clink.

    Ulix                                                    __/__,__          
.......................................................... (_o____o_).....
                                                           '67 Sprite

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