Teacher122@aol.com wrote:
> Bob,
> The other day I posted a phone number for a seat belt recall on midgets
> and B's. I finally called it myself and was transferrred to Morris Wiggins
> at 301-918-8044. He put my name on some kind of list and is sending me a
> verification form. He did caution that this might be a long process. Maybe
> Rover will spring for your replacements.
> Tom Green
> 1979MGB
Thank you! I've heard about the recall, but also heard that the list
was a mile long and knowbody had actually gotten replacements yet. The
"301" (are you sure it's 301 and not 310?) could be fairly close to me
so it may not be too hard to "pop in" on them from time to time. (The
squeaky wheel gets the grease.)
I'll give them a try, Monday. Thanks again.
Bob De Weese
Certified Professional Locksmith
* "The secret to effective communication is knowing what to say, *
* how to say it, and whom to say it to." *