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Re: Brake Pedal Box Screws

Subject: Re: Brake Pedal Box Screws
From: Ross MacPherson <>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 21:24:52 -0700
At 07:53 AM 9/10/97 EDT, you wrote:
>Hi Ross,
>  What is a Robinson Drive?
That's Robertson, with a T......
The Robertson drive is a purely Canadian screw head that, for some
unexplainable reason has not taken over the world.  It has a square hole in
the screw head and when used with the proper driver bit is very positive.
The driver/screw are so well matched that if your place a screw on the bit
and then give the screw a gentle tap against a firm object the screw will
simply NOT fall off the driver bit.  We use these extensively at work.  It's
a real pleasure to be able to place the screw on the driver and then reach
up, down, sideways or around corners, wave the assembly in the air or even
drop it on the floor and have the screw remain firmly attached to the driver
until, with a gentle flick of the wrist the screw and driver seperate once
the screw is installed.  The driver will not cam out of the screw like a
Phillips.  Torx is a poor copy of the concept.   Unfortunately machine and
cap screws are rarely available with a Robertson head.   I have noticed what
they call "square drive" wood screws advertised in "Wooden Boat" magazine
but that's the only place I've seen them south of the 49th.
Eat yer hearts out ;)

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