Dear Netters,
I must have missed the post on air pumps. The backfire as I let off the
gas is about the only irritating habit my MGB-GT has. If it is the
airpump, how do I go about fixing it? Additionally, where is a good
place to get parts. I am partial to Northwest Imports in Oregon.
On Mon, 8
Sep 1997, Lynn Alan Eubank wrote:
=%OI just read the post on air pumps. It is quite true that air pumps are not
=%Othere just to dilute what comes out of the combustion chamber. Another
=%Otest: On a car that is set up with air pump, try blocking it off without
=%Oreadjusting the carb. What you get is backfire every time you let off
=%Othe gas. For obvious reasons, huh?
What is the definative test for Air pump functionality? My Car passed
smog relatively easily.
=%OLynn Eubank
"Never ascribe to Malice that which can be explained by Ignorance"
John J. Peloquin
Molecular Biology &
3205 BioSciences II
Irvine, CA 92697-3900