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How to get younger blood

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: How to get younger blood
From: Misa <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 1994 14:23:01 -0500
I am 23 & have owned my B for 3 years. I fell in love with MGs when I
was 16...Not that I have the experience or knowledge of you "grey
beards," but I think we have to get our cars out there, promote them,
make the (fellow) young people love them as we do. And then teach them
the joys :) of working on them. We don't need people bickering over
"garbage" on the list - granted, I am new, but I read this whole list
for the entertainment value as well as the tech info. It's great to talk
to other MG people. So, we need to show the world how great MGs are -
ALL MGS!!! - and combat the stereotypes out there about british
cars...Sorry I got on my soap box, but I love my car & all mgs and I'd
like to see more of them on the road - with more young people behind the

By the way, I'm not topless...but my car IS!!


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