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Re: MG Tunes

To: Larry Dickstein <>
Subject: Re: MG Tunes
From: Mike Lishego <>
Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 01:33:51 -0700
Larry Dickstein wrote:
>         Perhaps the problem is kids who expect their parents to buy them
> any kind of car.  Get off your butt and earn the money to buy the kind of
> car YOU can, or will pay for!!!
> Larry Dickstein
> Parent of 20 and 17 year olds-both, of whom, bought their own cars

My problem, when car shopping was what my parents wouldn't let me buy.  I had 
of three summers work saved up.  I wanted an '80 midget and Dad said no, it's 
unsafe.  So, I found an '86 Pl**outh that was on fire once.  Yep, this is the 
car whose horn would sound when it rained because the DPO didn't know his ass 
from a 
wiring diagram.  This same car came with a computer system that fried itself 
into a 
black pancake because of the faulty wiring.  
My problem was my Dad was hitting his second childhood/midlife crisis about 
time, and I don't think he wanted me driving around in a classier car than his.

Michael S. Lishego
St. Andrews Presbyterian College
Elementary Education Major,
English Minor, Class of 1999
R.A. of Winston-Salem Hall

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