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RE: Rubber Bushing Lub

To: "Richard A. Boris" <>
Subject: RE: Rubber Bushing Lub
From: patti morris <>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 1997 06:37:12 -0500
Yes, actually, motor oil will cause some types of "rubber" to soften and 
swell. I'd stay away from petrolium based lubes. You would be better off 
using a silicone lubricant. I've used dish washing liquid soap on rubber 
but I'm not sure if will eventually cause rust.

From:   Mike Lishego[]
Sent:   Thursday, September 04, 1997 1:43 PM
To:     Richard A. Boris
Subject:        Re: Rubber Bushing Lub

Richard A. Boris wrote:
> Hi Everyone:
> Need some pointers regarding lubrication for rubber bushings. I had a
> devil of a time removing the rear spring front bolts from the car. One
> bolt had to be sawed off. Any suggestions for a lub when I replace the
> new springs and rubber bushings.
>                                                         Thanks: Rich 
Boris 67B Roadster

I always keep a can of used motor oil hanging around for purposes like 
this.  Applied
liberally, it does a great job of getting your bushings to fit correctly. 
 I'm not
sure if used motor oil has any ill affects on rubber bushings, but I'm sure 
that if
they do, someone will let me know.  Keep in mind that most motor oil 
companies do not
recommend playing with used motor oil too much.  They claim that it causes 
cancer in
lab rats, so I use a giant q-tip to apply the stuff.
Michael S. Lishego
St. Andrews Presbyterian College
Elementary Education Major,
English Minor, Class of 1999
R.A. of Winston-Salem Hall

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