Before you buy Minilites, or some replica, contact K Speed in State
College, PA. They sell "Panasport" wheels which, I think, are lots
neater than others. I used their 15x6's on my MG V8 project.
Their toll free # 1-800-494-0708
Or 1-814-237-8333
Fax 1-814-237-8558
E-mai;: <Go>
Be advised that these wheels are not cheap--but neither are real
Minilites. The owner/operator is Chuck. If you tell him I sent you, he
probably won't give you a better deal but he might give me one the next
time I order from them.
Larry Dickstein
On Sat, 30 Aug 1997 22:18:58 -0400 Jurgen Hartwig
<> writes:
>simple question, and it should not bother those damn canadians(mainly
>how much for minilites, where, and recommendations.
>i will be selling my '78 MGB soon, and i will have some disposable
>cash to
>spend on the '70 B. One of my dreams is to own some minilites. I've
>decided against autocross with my B, since i don't want to tear up the
>with excessive stress. I'll buy an old RX7 and have at it. Anyway,
>autocross racing means that the wheels don't necessarily need to be
>Thanks in advance