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Re: Midget Exhaust Brackets

To: MG Mavens <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Midget Exhaust Brackets
From: Matt Liggett <>
Date: 27 Aug 1997 10:45:15 -0500
"Mirams" <> writes:
> Has anybody on the list found a way to mount the exhaust at the rear
> of a Midget (mine is a 69) without the bracket breaking. I have
> broken six (count them....6!!!) through every day driving over the
> last 1.5 years and I'm fed up with rattles from the rear of the
> car. I have tried original brackets, after market brackets (K-Mart
> etc.) and custom (read: home made) brackets with no success. Help,
> before I remove the system from the manifold back!!!!!!!!!!  :)

Is your exhaust the kind with 2 mufflers that exits at the right rear
corner?  Mine is and the bracket at that back corner broke.  I
replaced it with bailing wire.  It has held up very well, but the
concours folks probably wouldn't like it.

:      Matt Liggett <>      :           1960 Mini          :
:        Hacker, Telecommuter, Car Nut        :        1970 MG Midget        :
:      <URL:>      :      1989 SAAB 900t SPG      :
:             Bloomington, IN USA             :      No Lotus . . . Yet      :

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