>Today, I noticed that MOWOG backwards is "GOWOM." If you say GOWOM fast
>enough, it almost sounds like "go home" with an English accent... I've also
>heard that if you say "Lucas Electronics" backwards, it says "Paul is dead."
> 8-)
>~Mike Lishego
Your dad is right, you ARE on crack! How the hell did you "Paul is dead"
from "Lucas Electronics"?
SCINORTCELE SACUL, I don't' think that is any were near PAUL IS DEAD.
KMR (confused)
Kai Radicke -- mowogmg@pil.net, 1966 MGB @ http://www.pil.net/~mowogmg
Dialogue Internet - Intelligent Internet Solutions
IRC: irc.voicenet.com, #inet-access (my nick: ActiveX or KMR)