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Re: Does the world need another post about: Opinion on new MG

To: Carol <>
Subject: Re: Does the world need another post about: Opinion on new MG
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 01:38:26 -0400
Carol wrote:
> I've walked up to many a new car to see what the devil it was. In several
> cases, I found NO name on the car. On one occasion the only identifying
> feature on the car was an emblem on the hub covers...and I hadn't a clue as
> to which manufacturer it belonged to.

  Oh, and I suppose nobody has ever walked up to your
MG and said "Hey nice car, what is that, a FIAT"?

  It's the opposite side of the same coin. Don't fool
yourself into thinking that because you can't pick
out modern cars, nobody can. And also don't fool yourself
into thinking that because you can guess the VIN of an MG from
50 feet, most people couldn't tell it from a Miata.
  This is a friendly discussion, but I don't think very
many of you really realize that a lot of your opinions
are very much like that because of what you are.

  Of course you recognize vintage cars, you are an enthusiast.

  Of course you don't recognize modern cars, you don't
like them very much.

  Of course the new shapes don't appeal to you, that's
because you like old car shapes.

  Of course you find the modern car unveiling isn't
a big deal anymore. It isn't a big deal to you because
you don't care and you don't follow it anymore. Even if
they closed down a whole city to celebrate it, it wouldn't
register on you. (unveilings are still quite a big
deal, grab a magazine or watch some car TV)

  You are of course always welcome to have whatever views
and opinions you like. But take a step back and realize
what eyes you see the world through. The rest of the world
can see things differently.

  Having experience and taste is a part of the
of maturing, and it's a very good thing. Nothing
wrong at all with loving what you love and hating
what you hate.

  But when your emotions cloud your vision of the
world, you've lost something. I think that is what
has happened here.

Trevor Boicey
Ottawa, Canada

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