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Re: Try and figure this one out. Anybody? Please give me some I

To:, mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Try and figure this one out. Anybody? Please give me some I
From: "Paul Hammarstedt" <>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 19:47:43 +0000

Sorry to see you so distressed.  I wouldnt respond as I dont feel 
like I have the answer.  But since you are so desparate for help, 
I'll pitch in what I can.  I'm an engineer and experienced at solving 
problems with insufficient tool, information, training, or intelligence.

I dont believe the brakes would "care" if you were turning or 
steering straight ahead while braking.  Seems like something else is loose 
and moving while you are turning right.

Maybe you have a funky (technical term whose origins ate traced to 
software testing guys...<grin>) wheel bearing, loose caliper mount,  
or some other loose suspension geometry that causes the brale rotor 
or caliper to "wobble" or "wiggle" in a way to cause uneven brake 

What do you mean by modulation?  Something like a warped disc 
produces (periodic increases in braking with the same frequency as wheel 
rotation)?  Is it a pulse like that?

Other questions:  Is it an MGB?  Wire wheels?  Could wheel be bent, 
out of round.  Could one of your tires developed a blister?  I had 
that happen on a VW rabbit once.....took a heck of a long time to 
figure it out, too......was really hard to see it on the tire.

That's all that comes to mind at this hour.  Hope it is something 

Glad to help,
Shoulda been a farmer

PS - Are you going to get rid of Samurai?

> From:          "Randy Rees (Volt Computer)" <>
> To:            "'mg'" <>
> Subject:       Try and figure this one out. Anybody? Please give me some 
>                !!!!
> Date:          Mon, 18 Aug 1997 16:10:01 -0700
> Reply-to:      "Randy Rees (Volt Computer)" <>

>       This list has invaluable information and many years of MG
> insight, so I hope between all of you someone can figure this out.
> > My brakes work great, they don't pull when I stop, no fad or anything
> > for the last three month since the rebuild, so what's the problem you
> > say? Just this morning I have this funny modulation in the brake
> > pedal. What's so unusual about that you say? It only happens when
> > turning right, not left or when straight ahead, and happens at all
> > speeds. I've taken a quick look at the front suspension and don't
> > notice anything unusual. I hope somebody  has seen this, this car has
> > turned into my daily (and only ) driver since my Samurai blew a head
> > gasket. 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Randy Rees
> > Windows NT Test Team
Paul Hammarstedt
Crystal Lake, Illinois

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