Kai wrote:
KR>>OK, lets get some wild speculation going.......The President of Chrysler is
KR>>one Bob Lutz who ran a TC while he was here at the University of Cal,
KR>>Berserkeley....he still has it plus an SA saloon....and he is still a membe
KR>>of the Abingdon Rough Riders, one of the oldest TC clubs in North
KR>>America......So it would be easy to start the rumor that Bob wants to get t
KR>>MG badge under his control.....we could have an MG based on the Prowler!!
KR>The prowler is an ugly car. What we need is a Supercharged MG, similar to
KR>the MGA or MGB, but with a little more Aerodynamic work...and a cool interio
KR>Kai M. Radicke -- mowogmg@pil.net @ 1966 MGB -- http://www.pil.net/~mowogmg
Why don't you get a hold of the newest version of the 3.5 l v8 to put
in your B, Lotus has a twin turbo version boasting 330hp. Your B might
act a little more like a midget with a motor like that :)
John Kahoon
71 midget
þ SLMR 2.1a þ john.kahoon@pcohio.com
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