>>>From: dmc@pcisys.net (Don McRae)
>>>Subject: Tuning SU Carbs
>>>I am trying to adjust my su carbs. The problem is that I get the car
>>>running fairly smooth then all of a sudden it bogs down and dies out.
>>>like it is flooding. This happens regardless of how I set up the carbs,
>>>rich or lean. It always starts up after a few minutes then does the same
>>>thing. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :)
Righto, stab in the dark time.
Do you have Grose jets ? (Find out by taking off your float chamber lids, and
looking at the valve above the float (with the float hanging down) - if it's
a little round ball bearing looking end to it, you have grose jets).
If you do have Grose jets, there's your problem. I had no end of trouble with
a set that I put in. I'd get the thing almost perfectly tuned, and then the
front carb would suddenly go way rich, and start spewing fuel all over.
I spent hours trying different float chamber lids, swapping valves front to
back etc, until finally they were both leaking, intermittently, just enough
to spill fuel everywhere, but not when you were looking! Very annoying.
Got rid of the Grose jets, put standard ones back in, tuned it up in 10 minutes,
perfect. No trouble since. I have a friend (Denise Thorpe for those in the
know) who, on hearing about my tuning / overflow problems said "Grose jets ?"
She had the same problem with a set a few years back too it seems.
Some people love 'em, I'd never use 'em again.
Andy Castellano Smith. | a.d.smith@umds.ac.uk
Computational Imaging Science. | http://www-ipg.umds.ac.uk/a.d.smith/
5th Floor, Thomas Guy House | tel. : 0171 955 4223
Guys Hospital, London SE1 9RT. | fax. : 0171 378 7480
1977 Chrome Bumper Midget "Mungo" for short.
DPO of 1975 Rubber Bumper Midget "Mary" for short.