>Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 15:46:43 -0500
>To: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
>From: The Richards <smrm@coastalnet.com>
>Subject: RE: UPS and LBC parts - now with hardly any LBC content at all
> God, I promised myself to stay out of this. . .but (knew there was a but,
dindcha?), the fact is the Teamsters are using the 'part timer' issue to
diguise the real reason they walked from the table, Pension Fund. UPS wants
to take the Pension Fund from the Union and administer it themselves, and
have shown documented proof that UPS workers will benefit from this. Thing
is, Teamsters are using UPSs' pension 'donations' to subsidize pensions for
non UPS workers.
> Curiously enough, UPS negotiating team is made up almost entirely of
former drivers and handlers, whilst the Teamsters negotiating team has
almost none.
> Of course, people with an interest in LBCs would have no idea what sort of
bad things can happen when management and unions don't get along, eh ;-)
>Michael, New Bern NC