> Sorry, but it's difficult to be "sympathetic" to someone who's making
> $50,000 a year plus another $20,000 in beneffits, and walks off the job.
(rant mode ON)
> What is at issue from what I can get is the poor slobs that work from12
>midnight to 3AM for a
> lousy $24!also the fact that if UPS can REPLACE the good people with the
>part time help they
> won't be making the $50,000 + benefits!The part-timers CAN'T strike.I'll bet
>if I called you at
> 2AM to come get me in my car because I lost my keys you would charge a hell
>of a lot more than $24
> IF you would drag your butt out of bed!Sorry to rant but I'm getting sick and
>tired of these
> effette attacks on the hard working union members while ignoring the fact
>that UPS made 1.6
> BILLION in profits last year and only pays their part timers a lousy $8 an
>hour at that ungodly
> hour!Have you seen a UPS guy work? He is running all day long!How many of you
>would work that
> hard?I'm sure all of you feel that what you make is justified so why isn't
>what they make
> justified?Rush Limbaugh is always raving about "class envy" well I see a type
>of reverse
> envy,where an engineer or professional doesn't like it if a "blue collar"
>worker makes anywhere
> near what they make,they feel they are better than those heathens and
>goddammit they should be
> kept in their place!Well thank god for unions they are not perfect but at
>least the average guy
> can have some clout in this world where he is being taken advantage of by
>those companies.What
> would UPS be without the sorters and drivers?Where would ANY company be
>without the grunt labor?At
> least allow them the dignity of a decent living and unions do just that!(rant
>mode OFF)
Pat (work union,live better)
BTW I'm waiting for parts also but I still give the strikers a BIG thumbs up
when I drive by!