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Re: automated gas pump (no LBC )

Subject: Re: automated gas pump (no LBC )
From: (Larry Dickstein)
Date: Sat, 02 Aug 1997 12:53:44 EDT
 He was known as the gas station attendent....yup a
human being that did all this amazing hi-tech stuff!
Why doesn't Shell just hire a bunch of teenagers,stick them out there
>with nice clean uniforms and forget the automated stuff and accomplish
>the same PR where you can stay in your car?  
Why not put millions of teenagers to work, let them get some experience
and rekindle a love of cars?

Pat ( getting more stuck in the 50s every day)
You're right, Pat.  That was the best job I ever had.  The pay was pretty
terrible in '64 but one had the advantage of using the car lift at night
and cleaning windshields in the daytime.  You cannot charge for those
types of experiences!!!!  You remember those huge mid 60's windshields,
don't you?

Larry Dickstein

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