> From: Mike Lewellen <mlewellen@fruit.com>
> Subject: oil filter adapters
> Why not a remote mount? I put one on my Midget and can now run a FRAM
> PH8A filter (huge, cheap, available everywhere and it probably adds 1/2
> quart capacity. Makes changing oil real easy too! Filter is on right
> side front fender.
I know what you mean by the Fram PH8A bieng easy to find. I think
the main reason is that it was the standard filter for all of the
Ford V-8s from the 1950's into the 90's. I've even seen them in
convenience stores!
Speaking of convenience stores, I was a little low on oil, so
grabbed a quart of 40 weight at the local stop-and-rob for a top-off
last week. I'm glad I read the bottle before I put it in. You know
how just about any oil you buy meets API standard SH (or SJ, or
whatever they're up to now), and has detergents and all that stuff?
Well, this oil only met API SA, was non-detergent, and basically said
it would void a new-car warranty in a heartbeat! (Not that THAT'S
really a problem...) I didn't know they still made oil that would
only meet SA. What are the requirements? That it be the right color
and will actually flow from the bottle into the car? Scrapped the
bottle of oil and proceeded post-haste to a place that sold Castrol.
Scott Gardner