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Re: Knee-capped! tell us more!!

To: ch155@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDU
Subject: Re: Knee-capped! tell us more!!
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 08:31:07 EDT
A couple of years ago, weary of breaking the filaments in drop lights
every time they got dropped (why are they called that, anyway?) I bought
a 12 inch fluorescent drop light. It's been the greatest tool!
All-plastic on the outside, so it is less likely to scratch, the tube
covered by a larger clear plastic tube, so any broken glass would be kept
inside, it has been well worth the price at the Kmart.  Recently I have
seen smaller versions of this, so may buy a small one also.
On Thu, 24 Jul 1997 20:31:58 -0400 (EDT) Arthur Pfenninger
<ch155@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDU> writes:
>       Those trouble lights will get you every time. I was removing 
>rear end the other day when a loud hissing sound set me moving not 
>what it was. I had accidently laid my air line from the compressor on 
>bare bulb, within less than 1 minute it burned a hole right through.
>On Thu, 24 Jul 1997 wrote:
>> Scott,,
>> No good story; in fact, rather a pedestrian tale of 
>> Last week, as I was beginning to get everything set up for the final 
>> on a friends' MGB GT, I left the overhead light (on an extender type 
>> hooked inside the fender well to provide light in order to finish 
>his front
>> suspension.  
>> I had just picked up the two rubber gaiters that go on the bottom of 
>> front swivel, when I dropped one and it began to roll.
>> As I moved quickly to intercept it, I became entangled with the drop 
>> cord.  Reflex made me try to jump it with disasterous results: Right 
>knee cap
>> broken.
>> The dogs (1-100# Malamute and 1-60# Yellow Dog) thought initially 
>that it was
>> a new game.
>> Discovered shortly thereafter two further things: My wife can't hear 
>when I
>> call her from the shope, and you ARE able to walk with a shattered 
>knee, if
>> you REALLY want to.
>> Any way, that was last week, the knee was re assembled on Monday, 
>and after
>> two days in hell (the hospital), here I am at home.
>> Proving once again that no good deed will go unpunished.
>> Regards,
>> Ray 

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