No, I don't mean to see your department supervisors socially; nor to
besmear your poor dear cabeza with tropical fruit. The heads I am speaking
of are of the cast iron MOWOG type.
Probably most of you know this, but the day, month, and year of manufacture
of (at least) MGA and early MGB cylinder heads is sand-cast into the top of
said head about half way along the length near the offside, but close to a
rocker shaft mounting. If you pull the valve cover you should be able to
see it. The numerals are arrayed in a circular fashion with the day being
more prominent.
I don't know about later, BL stuff, but the first three I looked at in my
bone pile were dated. I have also found dates (month and year) stamped into
the housings of early Lucas generators.
Does anyone know of other date marked MG parts?
David F. Darby
A little dated myself in the US Interior Highlands.