At 12:28 PM 7/21/97 -0500, RAY WYGONIK wrote:
>The two controls, one for temp and the other to direct air to either cabin or
>windsreen, consist of a knob, face plate, a metal housing that fits behind
>dash and holds the light, and the shaft/control mechanism. The control
>cables are connected behind the dash to what I am calling the control
>When I turn one knob it has definite click stops. The other just turns about
>320 degrees. It appears the one with the click stops should control the
>heat/defrost control and the other the temperature. Is this correct?
>At the moment I have them switched. The arrows on the face plates do not
>with the direction the knobs turn, and I am not getting full movement on the
>valve that controls flow of the coolant to the heater box.
This is correct. The knob on the right (when sitting in the car looking out
the windshield) diverts the air to the screen or interior. It has stops for
each position plus the off position. The temperature control is on the
left; it has a longer cable that operates the valve on the engine block.
At least that is the configuration for the early 70's B and BGT, such as mine.
David Councill