Use either Redline MTL, which is a 75w/80(sae 30), or Redline MT-90, which
is a 75w/90(sae40). Mosss is using a catchall weight . I got this straight
from Redline. Check their website, and give them a shout.
Skip...........03:12 PM 7/9/97 -0400, Editors, Molecular Vision wrote:
>Hello list!
>I'm changing my gearbox (tranny) oil tonight in my '65 Sprite. I see that
>Moss and others now sell Redline 75W90 and suggest it even for cars whose
>manuals call for 20X50 oil.
>Does anyone have any experience with this change? A couple of "motorhead"
>frineds seem to think that this is a very good idea, espeically as we're
>heading into really hot weather here in Atlanta ans I plan to do a lot of
>driving with the car all summer.
>Any thoughts?
>Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
>Senior Editor, Molecular Vision