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Re: Sill replacement with Oxy-Acet, techniques?

To: Trevor Boicey <>
Subject: Re: Sill replacement with Oxy-Acet, techniques?
From: Aron Travis <>
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 1997 23:35:18 -0700
Trevor Boicey wrote:

>   Also another MIG question, all these baby MIGs plug into
> common outlets which seems great, but can I use them on normal
> circuits or do I need a special high amperage circuit?

I have a Daytona Pocket Mig. It just plugs into a regular outlet.
I've never blown a fuse or a circuit breaker. This is kind of a
'bottom of the line' model Mig welder, but it does the job. I
would recomend Lincoln brand welders. I try to use their wire in
my welder too, as it feeds better.
I use a Argon/CO2 mix in the bottle. Kind of a general purpose mix.
Supposedly you should use pure Argon to weld stainless steel, but I
get clean welds with the mix too. I've never tried aluminium with it.

Mig welding produces a harder weld than the other processes. This
can be a problem with things that need to flex. What can happen is
that the weld doesn't flex, and you get a crack right next to it.

IMHO, Tig welding is the best, but pricey. I'm waiting for a shop to
go out of business, so that I can get a nice TIG welder at an 
affordible price at auction.

Buy a resperator too, like you'd use for painting. Burning metal, paint,
undercoating, oil, etc. is not something you should be breathing in.
Chrome and cobalt are poisoness too, like one lungful and you're dead.
Rarely do I ever see a welder wearing a resperator, except when they're
in a tank or other small enclosed space.
Look at your resperator prefilter after even a short time welding, it
will be grey and gookey. That would be in your lungs.
Not to be a downer, but........

-Aron Travis-
"always in a automotive frenzy"

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