> >Oh really? ...Jay must be a seasoned AOLien also?
> SOL is great, if you need peoole to email dirty pix.
You know what the sick part is? You have more free time then I do...;-)
> >You know, good thing this is an email list and we weren't all the list
> >members weren't at a bar right now drinking some ale...cause I fear that
> >would get the tar beat out of us. Between you and I we must have call
> >those Cowboys a few names they don't like...;-)
> Well you can always tell a cowboy, you just can't tell 'em much.
The Brits are losers anyway, if they had any backbone they would march
right back into Hong Kong...(apologies to the Chinese, but I hope you
realize I am joking).
> > ah Yeah I know you got that also...wait till I have my UltraSPARC!
Oh yeah, that this right this Ignition only take about 350 volts! Right
now I have to settle for the puny MircoSPARC I got in my car :)
> Is that a special ignition system for your B? Set the gap wide!
> :)\
> Q'bert
Thats an Atari Game right? So that is what your company uses as its file
Kai M. Radicke -- mowogmg@pil.net @ 1966 MGB -- http://www.pil.net/~mowogmg
Dialogue Internet -- Intelligent Internet Solutions
Free Citizen Ship to the KMR (Kai's Military Republic), Passport included.