I'm a skinny 6'1'' and fit comfortably into an MGA coupe, though I don't=20
find it as roomy as my '67 B-GT=2E
From: ecowen@cln=2Eetc=2Ebc=2Eca
To: dhw@atomic=2Enet; Karim Marouf
Cc: mgs@autox=2Eteam=2Enet
Subject: Re: tall problem
Date: Tuesday, June 24, 1997 11:16AM
Hi Don Walton!!
On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Don Walton wrote:
> getting an older LBC=2E When I say older I mean MGA or TR3 vintage=2E W=
hat I
> need to know is if a person 6'2" tall can even comfortably fit into one=20
> the aformentioned LBCs?
Well, I'm an avid MG enthusiast who's 6' 1", 190lbs, with arthritis in
the knees, elbows, and wrists=2E I don't have any problems doing my 1/2
hr commute each way to work, nor do I have any problems doing a road
trip=2E Mind you, if I was 290 lbs, I think I'd have a problem fitting
into the car=2E
> So whaddya think? How about some opinions from listers with real life
> experence with this tall problem=2E I can afford the car or height=20
> surgery but not both=2E
Think of it this way: the depreciation has been paid on these cars a
long time ago=2E If you buy, then sell, you won't loose very much, if
any! Try buying the average new car today, and finding out it doesn't
suit you, then sell it and see how much you'll loose=2E
You can do a frame up restoration and end up with a car that'll last you
an easy 10 to 20 yrs, for 1/2 to 3/4 the price of the newest sack of
shit the factories are trying to peddle these days=2E
TTUL8r, Kirk Cowen (who'd advise staying away from the Italian marques)