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To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Priorities!
From: (Hert)
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 97 13:59:08 GMT
I'd like to use this group's collective experience and opinions in order to get 
some ideas on improving my '74 ex-Californian B. It's a good but not great car, 
with double HIFs, although there is a bit of a flat spot between 3000 and 4000 

The improvements I'm looking for are in a) handling, or more precisely, 
roadholding and b) power. My wife's priority is replacing the Rostyles with 
wheels, but I'll leave that for later.

What would the best (cost vs effectiveness) actions be to increase 
performance? Please let me know via the group or mail me at Thanks for your input.

We actually drove the (locally) famous Wilbert-rally in Holland last week, with 
field of 30 cars including several E-types, Austin Healey, Lotus etc. At one 
stage a wide river was crossed with these cars on one small ferry: a wonderful 
sight! We won that rally, but from the mentioned competition you can guess it 
wasn't a speed challenge.

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