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Re: locks

Subject: Re: locks
From: (Rick Morrison)
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 18:32:59 EDT
On Wed, 11 Jun 1997 17:20:03 -0400 Bob De Weese <>
>Kevin Sullivan wrote:
>> I thought it was so you could make jokes about a B tourer owner 
>> locked out of his car.
>Well, I for one, think that THERE SHOULD BE A LAW that makes it 
>for anyone to make a car that you _can't_ lock yourself out of!    ;)
>77 MGB Roadster
>                                       Bob De Weese  
>                             Certified Professional Locksmith
>*  "The secret to effective communication is knowing what to say, * 
>*   how to say it, and whom to say it to."                        *
Sort of like the time while attempting to pay my college tuition by
working as a grocery bagger. One lady custumer, after I had bagged her
grocerires and was wheeling them to the parking lot, began to get very
anxious because she couldnt find her car keys. The more she looked
without results, the more her panic factor rose. Finally we came upon the
car about the time she found them. 
The car? a nice 1962 Chevy Impala SS convertible with (you guessed it)
the top down windows up and doors locked.
 Needless to say, I didn' get a big tip because I was laughing the whole

Rick Morrison
74 Midget

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